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The Decision Theater has been instrumental in driving research over the last decade for faculty, community organizations, policy makers, and stakeholders across the globe. The publications on this page is a comprehensive list of articles by researchers at the Decision Theater and its affiliates and articles written by authors that have mentioned the Decision Theater in their research.

For authors wanting to cite the Decision Theater research methodology the citation to use is:

Miller, J., Salla, R., Amresh, A., Smith, H., Kandala, S., Hinrichs, M., Gorantla, R., Sokteva, E., Wei, F., Hirsch, K., & others. (2019). The Decision Theater: Collaborative Research Methodology.

Download a copy of the methodology white paper.


Jin, X., Wei, F., Kandala, S. S., Umesh, T., Steele, K., Galgiani, J. N., & Laubichler, M. D. (2025). Time series forecasting of Valley fever infection in Maricopa County, AZ using LSTM. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, 43, 101010. Elsevier. link


Wang, J., & Lobo, J. (2024). Extensive growth of inventions: Evidence from U.S. patenting. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 207, 123586. link

Wang, J., Lobo, J., Shutters, S. T., & Strumsky, D. (2024). Fueling a net-zero future: The influence of government-funded research on climate change mitigation inventions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 51, 100836. link

Wang, J., Kiran, E., Aurora, S. R., Simeone, M., & Lobo, J. (2024). ChatGPT on ChatGPT: An Exploratory Analysis of its Performance in the Public Sector Workplace. Digital Government: Research and Practice. link


Gorantla, R., & Bansal, S. (2023, April). Towards a Sustainability Index Calculator for Smart Cities. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023. link

Hinrichs, Margaret M. and Patricia Solís (Editors). (2021). A Knowledge Exchange Playbook to Build Resilience. Tempe: Knowledge Exchange for Resilience, Arizona State University. Washington, D.C.: Global Council for Science and the Environment. link

Shutters, S.T.; Kandala, S.S.; Wei, F.; Kinzig, A.P. Resilience of Urban Economic Structures Following the Great Recession. Sustainability 2023, 13, 2374. link

Hinrichs, M.M., Johnston, E.W. The creation of inclusive governance infrastructures through participatory agenda-setting. Eur J Futures Res 8, 10 (2020). link


Herbst, C.M., Desouza, K., and Kandala, S. Design Considerations for Large-Scale Data Analytics for Public Policy: Insights from Parental Evaluation of Childcare Providers on XXIII Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Wellington, New Zealand, April 16-18, 2019.


John, Beatrice & Lang, Daniel & von Wehrden, Henrik & John, Ruediger & Wiek, Arnim. (2018). Advancing Decision-Visualization Environments-empirically informed Design Guidelines. 10.13140/RG.2.2.26933.32486. link

Alashri, S., Srivatsav Kandala, S., Bajaj, V., Parriott, E., Awazu, Y., & C Desouza, K. (2018, January). The 2016 US Presidential Election on Facebook: an exploratory analysis of sentiments. In Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. link

Herbst, C. M., Desouza, K., Alashri, S., Kandala, S., Khullar, M., & Bajaj, V. (2018). What Do Parents Value in a Child Care Provider? Evidence from Yelp Consumer Reviews. link

Gober, P. (2018). Social Learning for Water Sector Resilience. In Building Resilience for Uncertain Water Futures (pp. 163-190). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. link

Boukherroub, T., D'amours, S., & Rönnqvist, M. (2018). Sustainable forest management using decision theaters: Rethinking participatory planning. Journal of cleaner production, 179, 567-580. link

White, D. D., Larson, K. L., & Wutich, A. (2018). Boundary Organizations and Objects Supporting Stakeholders for Decision Making on Sustainable Water Management in Phoenix, Arizona USA. In Transformations of Social-Ecological Systems (pp. 333-352). Springer, Singapore. link


Amresh, A., & Salla, R. (2017, January). Towards a Home-based Virtual Reality Game System to Promote Exercise. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. link

White, D., Jones, J., Maciejewski, R., Aggarwal, R., & Mascaro, G. (2017). Stakeholder analysis for the food-energy-water nexus in phoenix, Arizona: Implications for nexus governance. Sustainability, 9(12), 2204. link


Boukherroub, T., D’AMOURS, S., & Rönnqvist, M. (2016). Toward decision theater design for community forest management & planning: The case of Québec. In 11th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (MOSIM’2016), Montréal, Québec, Canada. link

Salla, R., Pahle, R., & Amresh, A. (2016, November). A complex systems framework approach towards multidisciplinary tumor boards. In 2016 IEEE Healthcare Innovation Point-Of-Care Technologies Conference (HI-POCT) (pp. 171-174). IEEE. link

Boukherroub, T., D’Amours, S., & Rönnqvist, M. (2016). Decision theaters: a creative approach for participatory planning in the forest sector. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS’2016), Bordeaux. link

Chae, H. S., Costello, L., & Natriello, G. (2016). The Learning Theater: A Library Space to Be Re-Designed by Patrons', The Future of Library Space (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 36). link

Amresh, A., Salla, R., Sinha, M., & Birr, R. (2016, May). Design, implementation and evaluation of a game-based intervention targeting latino children for improving obesity outcomes. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for health (SeGAH) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. link

Moir, S. (2016). Fluid leadership: inviting diverse inputs to address complex problems. Naval Postgraduate School Monterey United States. link


Amresh, A., Sinha, M., Birr, R., & Salla, R. (2015, May). Interactive cause and effect comic-book storytelling for improving nutrition outcomes in children. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health 2015 (pp. 9-14). ACM. link

Rey, S., Anselin, L., Li, X., Pahle, R., Laura, J., Li, W., & Koschinsky, J. (2015). Open geospatial analytics with PySAL. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(2), 815-836. link

White, D. D., Wutich, A. Y., Larson, K. L., & Lant, T. (2015). Water management decision makers' evaluations of uncertainty in a decision support system: the case of WaterSim in the Decision Theater. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 58(4), 616-630. link

Mossberger, K., Gracey, K., DeSouza, K., & Uebelherr, J. M. (2015, May). Data, tools, & innovation: trending applications in US cities. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 348-349). ACM. link

Orenstein, D. E., Zimroni, H., & Eizenberg, E. (2015). The immersive visualization theater: A new tool for ecosystem assessment and landscape planning. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 347-355. link

Desouza, K. C., Swindell, D., Smith, K. L., Sutherland, A., Fedorschak, K., & Coronel, C. (2015). Local government 2035: Strategic trends and implications of new technologies. Issues in Technology Innovation, (27). link

Lukasczyk, J., Liang, X., Luo, W., Ragan, E. D., Middel, A., Bliss, N., ... & Maciejewski, R. (2015, January). A Collaborative Web-Based Environmental Data Visualization and Analysis Framework. In EnvirVis@ EuroVis (pp. 25-29). link


Kolditz, O., Rink, K., & Scheuermann, G. (2014) WebGL-based Geodata Visualization for Policy Support and Decision Making. link

Fedorschak, K., Kandala, S., Desouza, K. C., & Krishnamurthy, R. (2014, May). Data analytics and human trafficking. In International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems (pp. 69-84). Springer, Cham. link


Araz, O. M., Lant, T., Fowler, J. W., & Jehn, M. (2013). Simulation modeling for pandemic decision making: A case study with bi-criteria analysis on school closures. Decision Support Systems, 55(2), 564-575. link

Vesikko, A. (2013). Decision Theatre in decision making and urban planning: case: Decision Theatre for Niemi Campus. link

Larson, K. L., White, D. D., Gober, P., Kirkwood, C. W., Smith, V. K., Nelson, M. C., ... & Wittlinger, S. K. (2013). Advancing Science in Support of Water Policy and Urban Climate Change Adaptation at Arizona State University’s Decision Center for a Desert City: A Synthesis of Interdisciplinary Research on Climate, Water, and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty. Decision Center for a Desert City, Arizona State University: Tempe, AZ, USA. link

Hu, Q., Johnston, E., & Hemphill, L. (2013). Fostering cooperative community behavior with IT tools: the influence of a designed deliberative space on efforts to address collective challenges. The Journal of Community Informatics, 9(1)link


Davies, S. R., Selin, C., Gano, G., & Pereira, Â. G. (2012). Citizen engagement and urban change: Three case studies of material deliberation. Cities, 29(6), 351-357. link

Araz, O. M., Jehn, M., Lant, T., & Fowler, J. W. (2012). A new method of exercising pandemic preparedness through an interactive simulation and visualization. Journal of medical systems, 36(3), 1475-1483. link

Hu, Q., Johnston, E., Hemphill, L., Krishnamurthy, R., & Vinze, A. (2012). Exploring the role of interactive computer simulations in public administration education. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 18(3), 513-530. link


Hodge, J. G., Lant, T., Arias, J., & Jehn, M. (2011). Building evidence for legal decision making in real time: legal triage in public health emergencies. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 5(S2), S242-S251.


White, D. D., Wutich, A., Larson, K. L., Gober, P., Lant, T., & Senneville, C. (2010). Credibility, salience, and legitimacy of boundary objects: water managers' assessment of a simulation model in an immersive decision theater. Science and Public Policy, 37(3), 219-232. link

Gober, P. (2010). Desert urbanization and the challenges of water sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2(3), 144-150. link

Wutich, A., Lant, T., White, D. D., Larson, K. L., & Gartin, M. (2010). Comparing focus group and individual responses on sensitive topics: a study of water decision makers in a desert city. Field Methods, 22(1), 88-110. link

Anselin, L., Rey, S. J., & Kochinsky, J. (2010). Flexible geospatial visual analytics and simulation technologies to enhance criminal justice decision support systems. Crime Mapp, 3(1). link


White, D. D., Corley, E. A., & White, M. S. (2008). Water managers' perceptions of the science–policy interface in Phoenix, Arizona: Implications for an emerging boundary organization. Society and Natural Resources, 21(3), 230-243. link


Bettencourt, L. M., Ribeiro, R. M., Chowell, G., Lant, T., & Castillo-Chavez, C. (2007, May). Towards real time epidemiology: data assimilation, modeling and anomaly detection of health surveillance data streams. In NSF Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (pp. 79-90). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. link

Hahn, D., Shangraw, R., Keith, M., & Coursey, D. (2007, January). Does visualization affect perceptions of ethically complex policy decisions: an experimental study. In 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07) (pp. 96-96). IEEE. link


Edsall, R., & Larson, K. L. (2006). Decision making in a virtual environment: Effectiveness of a semi-immersive “decision theater” in understanding and assessing human-environment interactions. In Proceedings of AutoCarto (Vol. 6, pp. 25-28). link